Doctors recommend that your child get three doses of the Hepatitis B shot for best protection. Typically, your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
- shortly after birth
- 1-2 months
- 6 months

Did you know that worldwide more than 780,000 people per year die from complications to Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is spread through blood or other bodily fluids. It’s especially dangerous for babies, since the hepatitis B virus can spread from an infected mother to child during birth. About nine out of every 10 infants who contract it from their mothers become chronically infected, which is why babies should get the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth. All pregnant women should be tested and all babies should be vaccinated.
Hepatitis B is a contagious liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. When a person is first infected with the virus, he or she can develop an “acute” (short-term) infection. Acute hepatitis B refers to the first 6 months after someone is infected with the hepatitis B virus. This infection can range from a very mild illness with few or no symptoms to a serious condition requiring hospitalization. Some people are able to fight the infection and clear the virus.
For others, the infection remains and is “chronic,” or lifelong. Chronic hepatitis B refers to the infection when it remains active instead of getting better after 6 months. Over time, the infection can cause serious health problems, and even liver cancer.
Hepatitis B is spread through contact with blood of an infected person (even if they show no symptoms).
- At birth
- Open cuts or sores
- Sharing toothbrushes or other personal items
- Food chewed for a baby
- Any infected family member or caregiver can pass the virus to your baby.
- The virus can live on objects for 7 days or more.
Infants and young children usually show no symptoms. Hepatitis B infection causes
- Loss of appetite (not wanting to eat)
- Fever
- Tiredness
- Pain in muscles, joints, and stomach
- Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting
- Dark urine
These symptoms usually appear 3 or 4 months after a person gets the virus.
The most common side effects of the hepatitis B vaccine are mild and include:
- Low fever (less than 101 degrees) or,
- Sore arm from the shot.